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- © Mirko Matira 2024
Mirko Matira is an exceptional artist with a very fine sense for people. On his trips around the world he perfected the ability to immediately connect with strangers.
Due to his Bosnian roots he grew up bilingual, cosmopolitan and interested in languages & cultures. To inspire people globally, Mirko also presents his mentalist program in English. Creative art and making music are Mirko’s oases, where he always draws new energy to escape the noise of the world.
Further interesting facts are, that he creates
futuristic sculptures and unfolds his creativity in his studio in Essen. He loves mentalism. He is an artist who rests firmly within himself and at the same time effortlessly challenges the worldview
of those around him.
Mirko Matira appreciates the clear mind, is fascinated by minimalism, prefers to travel with hand luggage and has never owned a television.
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions for Mirko Matira from his audience, clients, and fans who are amazed by his soulreading.
Mirko Matira discovered his passion for magic at a young age. As a child, he was fascinated by the magical shows on television and spent hours studying and trying out the tricks of great magicians like David Copperfield. His parents quickly recognized his enthusiasm and supported him by giving him magic kits and books on magic. Over time, what started as a hobby turned into a serious passion. In the following years, he refined his skills and developed his own style. He performed at local events and smaller stages, which not only gained him experience but also a growing fan base.
If you have experienced Mirko Matira live, you know how astonishing his abilities are. He truly gives the impression that he can read his audience’s minds. He uses an impressive combination of psychological techniques, keen observation skills, and a touch of the supernatural. His ability to influence people’s perceptions makes Mirko such a fascinating and sought-after entertainer.
It all began in the city of Essen with the so-called “Stammtisch der Unterhaltungskünstler” (Entertainers’ Round Table). Here, at the age of 12, he met his first mentors and learned his first professional tricks. Mirko started to delve deeply into the art of magic, attending seminars and courses across Europe to learn from experienced magicians. His first performances in front of friends and family reinforced his desire to make magic his profession.
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch auf der Webseite von Mirko Matira. Wenn Sie nach einem unvergesslichen Höhepunkt für Ihre Veranstaltung suchen, dann verstehen wir, dass Sie Mirko als Zauberer buchen wollen. Denn mit seiner faszinierenden Art zieht Mirko Matira Ihr Publikum in seinen Bann und schafft bleibende Erinnerungen. Reservieren Sie jetzt einen Termin und erleben Sie die Faszination der Zauberkunst live! Einen Magier buchen zu wollen war nie einfacher. © 2024 Mirko Matira. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.